RV Park Planned at the Gambling, Pickleball Site Near the Border of Marion County and Sumter County, FL

The multi-acre site is situated near the border of Marion County and Sumter County. Credit: Marion County Property Appraiser

A property with one of Marion County’s only functioning card rooms and outdoor pickleball courts will soon make way for a recreational vehicle park with over 200 lots that was approved years ago.

A major site plan for Track and Card RV Park in Oxford was part of a waiver request introduced during the Marion County Development Review Committee’s regular meeting.

According to the site plan, which lists the name “Mendola RV” for the planned park, property owner Marion Gaming Management, LLC, and managing partner Tony Mendola hope to build approximately 218 RV lots at the site.

The RV park will be located on 68.79 acres at the property, which is situated along U.S. Highway 301, near the Summerfield/Oxford, Marion/Sumter County border.

Comprised of several parcels, the RV park will be built northwest of the current card room and other facilities.

Plans show that most of the lots will be between 2,400 square feet and 4,000 square feet in size, with some of the corner lots reaching roughly 5,000 square feet in size.

At the time, the property owner received approval from the Marion County Board of County Commissioners to dramatically expand operations at the site in south Marion.

According to the waiver request, the developer is now asking the county for permission to commence site work at the area “prior to plan approval” at the “developer’s risk.”

In the years since the property was rezoned, it celebrated the opening of new pickleball courts. Now, Oxford Downs is one of two card rooms in the county, joining Ocala Bets. That facility officially opened in the fall of 2023, after Ocala Gainesville Poker and Jai Alai closed.


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